Removing Dairy Relieves Girl with Multiple Psychological Diagnoses

May 27, 2013

My daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD, OCD, and ODD. She has been to two therapists, a psychiatrist, a specialty chiropractor, and a behavioral vision doctor. Physicians have started using words like Tourettes, and Rapid Cycle Bipolar Disorder. At my wits end, I turned to BioIntelligent Wellness . Through her expertise and perseverance, we were finally able to find the proper diagnosis! It turns out she was being poisoned by her food. She has a condition called Casomorphin. She was getting “high” off dairy products and then crashing, repeatedly! I enjoy my child now, and she feels so much better. She used to tell me that she couldn’t help the way she was acting. She was absolutely right. Words cannot begin to express my gratitude for BioIntelligent Wellness and her knowledge and instinct. I will be forever grateful!

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