Lose Pounds, Gain Confidence

Ready to Change Your Teen’s Health?

Our Teen Weight Loss Program is designed to help teens achieve healthy weight goals

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Teenage Years Can Be Difficult Enough

Teenage Years Can Be Difficult Enough…

For most of us, our teenage years were difficult enough without the added challenges that come with being an overweight teenager. The typical stresses of family, school and friends often become compounded by the stress of being overweight and leave them feeling defeated and overwhelmed.

The Struggles That Come With Being An Overweight Teen May Be Both Visible And Hidden.

In addition to the physical effects of obesity, the social, emotional and physical struggles create added stress to the normal teen pressures of school, family, friends. The suffering is all too common, and effects can be seen socially, emotionally and physically. As a parent you know something must change, but you are unsure of how to do it, especially without adding tension to your relationship.

Are You Ready To Change Your Teenager’s Life?

BioIntelligent Wellness is here to help:

Why our program works:

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