Amazing Value… Used Every Day

July 23, 2010

I met with BioIntelligent Wellness in the fall of 2008.  My goals were to learn more about my metabolic rate to improve the effectiveness of my workouts, and improve my overall fitness.  BioIntelligent Wellness hooked me up to all these tubes and gear and performed a bunch of tests.  She made me keep a diary of what I ate and commented on everything.  I was really surprised at how much she did for how little I paid.  After it was all said and done she prepared this elaborate report that gave me the information I was looking for. I have been guided by this information ever since. It was a great deal for me money wise, and I learned a ton of info about myself.  I even went out and bought a heart rate monitor that I now use in my cardio workouts and her help made me re-think all my workouts.  It was a great help to me and as noted, I use this information every day.  I was stoked!!

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