Ideal Protein is no doubt one of the most popular diets today and thanks to its scientific approach and success, that fame is evergrowing. But, there are some questions that we often find new dieters asking before starting the program. To get you acquainted with the Ideal Protein diet in a better manner, we have compiled those get started questions here.
1) How long before I get into ketosis?
This timeline depends on a few factors, such as age, activity level, metabolism, and current carbohydrate intake. Typically, our Ideal Protein dieters can get into ketosis between 2 to 4 days. For some clients, it can take up to a week.
We recommend checking ketosis daily and if you are not in by the end of 4 days, text your coach, and they will review your logs to help you figure out why and what to do to help you get in.
2) How much weight can I expect to lose my first week?
Initial weight loss varies on Ideal Protein, but most of our dieters will lose between 3 to 8 pounds the first week. When starting a ketogenic diet, part of the initial weight loss is due to depleting your glycogen stores. For every gram of carbohydrate we consume, the body attaches four molecules of water to it.
When we start a ketogenic diet and reduce carbohydrates, we deplete the water, so the first week we will lose more than on a low-calorie diet. Once you are in ketosis, you can rest assured that you are losing fat, not just water.
3) Does Ideal Protein help to lower my Blood Pressure?
Yes! Ideal Protein is perfect for those with high blood pressure, and many of the doctors we work with prescribe this diet to their patients, regardless of how much weight they have to lose. Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the blood upon the walls of blood vessels and arteries that move blood away from the heart.
As we lose weight and lower insulin levels, the blood pressure itself decreases naturally. Through additional supplementation of dietary potassium found in vegetables plus the required potassium supplements, Ideal Protein will normalize the sodium/potassium ratios.
Ideal Protein diet is safe for those on medications, and if you are taking medications, our coaches will have you track readings twice per day, sharing them with your prescribing physician.
4) Is it normal to experience hair loss on Ideal Protein? If so, will it grow back?
Hair loss when losing weight is a very natural side effect, and it is not permanent. Here is a great blog that explains why you’re losing it and what to do.
5) What can I take to prevent Hair Loss?
While it may be worrisome, hair loss during weight loss is normal and expected. While on a ketogenic diet like Ideal Protein, you must take your required supplements to minimize hair loss. Specifically, the multivitamin and your other supplements.
The benefit of a ketogenic diet is that you utilize your fat stores for energy. Still, it’s imperative to ensure you consume all of the essential micronutrients to support hair growth. Skipping supplements can increase the rate at which you lose hair, so make sure you are taking them daily.
6) When will I stop feeling hungry?
Once you get into Ketosis, which is usually 2 to 3 days after starting the Ideal Protein Protocol. Until then, it is acceptable to consume one additional Ideal Protein product daily, as long as you can keep your net carbs below 45 grams a day.
7) What can I do if I’m feeling constipated?
First, you should make sure you are eating all of your vegetables and at least one to two green salads a day. While most coaches require you to drink 64 ounces of water a day, that’s the bare minimum. Ideally, you are drinking a minimum of half of your body weight in ounces, outside of any exercise.
Without adequate hydration, you can guarantee you will struggle with constipation. If you are still struggling with constipation, many products can help. Calm is an approved magnesium citrate supplement that won’t kick you out of ketosis and can be added to your regimen on occasion or even daily while on the Ideal Protein diet.
There are other types of laxatives, like Senna, that can help by stimulating bowel movements, but these are not for daily use. Using them too often can backfire, so please speak with your coach for specific recommendations.
8) Does Ideal Protein help with Blood Sugar?
Yes, and it helps with all blood-sugar issues!!!
Thousands of people worldwide credit Ideal Protein for assisting them in taking control of blood sugar imbalances. Insulin resistance has become the modern-day epidemic, part of the larger constellation of Metabolic Syndrome symptoms.
Ideal Protein’s primary protocol creates a proven pathway to resolve Insulin Resistance and Type II Diabetes. After the protocol, many of our dieters with Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes no longer need to take medications like Metformin, Glucophage, Insulin, etc.
The Ideal Protein Alternative Protocol, created explicitly for Type 1 Diabetics to help lose weight, will always need insulin to lose weight and improve glycemic control.
9) Can I take collagen while I am on Ideal Protein?
Yes, but the great news is that you don’t need to take additional collagen supplements. Ideal Protein has always known the benefits of including collagen on a weight loss diet. Like the Raspberry Gelatin, French Onion Soup, the Blueberry Pomegranate drink, and more, many of the products contain collagen.
Since collagen products have both calories and grams of protein, avoid additional sources, and we recommend using the Ideal Protein products designed explicitly for our protocol.
10) Will my menstrual cycle cause the scale not to move?
Yes, now, while the scale isn’t moving, you are still losing weight. The scale doesn’t budge due to water retention, changes in bowels, and other temporary symptoms. For many women, their weight fluctuates between 2 and 8 pounds per month due to water retention. While this can pose a mental hurdle, talk to your coach about it, and come up with additional metrics to track your progress during your “time of the month.”
11) If I hit a plateau, what should I do?
Always discuss it with your coach. We have a lot of strategies to get your weight moving again, including switching things up.
Sometimes just changing out your proteins and or your Ideal Protein products can make a huge difference. For those that are down to the last bit of weight to lose, sometimes it takes more tweaking than the beginning of your journey.
If you’re stuck, don’t get discouraged; instead, shoot your coach a picture of your logs or review it in your weekly appointment. Sometimes we find that dieters will stall because of laxity with the protocol guidelines, especially those who have stayed on the diet too long without refocusing on their goals.
The “a little here, a little there” approach is guaranteed to not only stall your progress but will also weaken your resolve to be 100% on the protocol. The science is specific and exact, but it works.
12) Can I workout on Phase 1?
The short answer is yes, but exercise is not necessary for the protocol to work.
We prefer your first 3-4 weeks on Ideal Protein Phase 1 that you take it easy, meaning no heavy weight lifting or high-intensity cardio workouts. During this time, we still encourage light exercises like walking, yoga, or Pilates.
Your coach will guide you on the activities that will support your weight loss and help you avoid the workouts that will stall you. You will need to increase your Ideal Protein products on the days you exercise, meaning you need to preplan.
Some people think skipping the extra product will help them lose faster, but if it leads to breaking down your lean mass, that extra workout can actually cost you more time and money on the diet.
13) do I need to take the Ideal Protein Supplements? If so, why?
It’s essential you take the Ideal Protein Supplements to support your weight loss and overall health. You will be missing essential nutrients that your body relies on to support its various processes on any hypocaloric diet.
On a ketogenic diet, like Ideal Protein, one of the main benefits is that you can break down your stored fat and use it for fuel to give your body access to a total of 1800-3000 calories a day.
The problem is that while the foods we eat on the Phase 1 diet and Ideal Protein products contain essential micronutrients, the energy we release from fat stores do not, leaving many essential nutrients missing. The Ideal Protein Supplements will be replacing those nutrients (ex: our Cal-Mags will be replacing your dairy such as Milk, Cheese, etc., and can also help with your bowel movements).
Most people think of supplements as being additions, but they make up required nutrients in this case. This blog will give you more info on the cost of skipping your supplements.
14) How many calories am I getting on Phase 1!
This question is tricky so let’s rephrase it into two statements –
- How many calories am I consuming on Phase 1?
- How many calories of nutrition am I getting on Phase 1?
This distinction is due to the difference in losing weight on a ketogenic diet versus a low-calorie diet. The first answer is typically between 800-1,000 calories a day, although it can be different for some.
The answer to the second question is more important – you will receive the equivalent of all of the calories you consume PLUS the calories of the fat stores you are breaking down.
This intelligent dietary hack gives you the fuel of a full-calorie diet (1800 – 3000 calories daily) and the weight loss of a low-calorie diet without hunger.
15) When can I expect to go into Phase 2/Stabilization?
Once you get to your goal weight and where you feel the most comfortable. We typically suggest our dieters lose 5 pounds beyond their goal so that once they go into the Stabilization Phase, they have an extra 5lbs cushion to account for glycogen replenishment.
16) Are there Ideal Protein Recipes, so I don’t get bored?
Yes, there are many amazing Ideal Protein recipes, some using Ideal Protein products and some using whole foods. There are also Ideal Protein Cookbooks available. Check out our Ideal Protein recipe pages, and you can also purchase the cookbooks.
17) Do I have to eat at the same time every day?
No, everyone’s schedules are different, from the time you wake up until you go to bed. As long as you eat all of your allotted food for the day, you can eat it whenever your schedule allows. One thing we focus on is helping our dieters plan to support their schedule and lifestyle.
One of the benefits of Ideal Protein Phase 1 is that it puts dieting on autopilot. You’re not spending all of your free time thinking about your diet, which allows you to begin focusing on the lifestyle changes that will support your results long-term.
18) If I’m not hungry, do I have to eat all of my required food?
It may seem counterintuitive, but the answer is YES!
It is super important to eat all of the foods that are on your daily diet. Once you’re in ketosis, your body isn’t as hungry, so you may think that you’ll lose faster if you’re not hungry & don’t eat. That is not the case, and skipping meals can actually work against you.
On Ideal Protein, the diet’s careful calculations are to ensure that the prescribed daily diet will support your lean mass and consistent losses. The vegetables and salads will help with satiety, support your bowels, and the nutrients they contain are essential for keeping your dietary requirements.
Skipping meals and snacks on Ideal Protein will not work.
Honestly, most people struggle with this mindset, and it’s part of the reason they’re unsuccessful dieting but even more unsuccessful in maintenance.
19) I have a hard time drinking all the required water; is it mandatory?
It is compulsory & essential for many reasons.
For one, staying hydrated helps stave off leg cramps, lightheadedness, etc. Secondly, when you creak down stored fat, the byproducts are excreted through your urine, bowels, and breath. While Ideal Protein recommends a minimum of 64oz daily, we find that a good target for most dieters is half their body weight in ounces.
If you can’t get the required amount in, try adding some of the Ideal Protein water enhancers and maybe even add a straw.
20) Can I split up my protein & Select veggies throughout the day?
21) If I eat the same thing every day, why is it essential to Journal?
Your coach needs to see what your intake is daily to help you maximize your losses and limit the amount of time you need to be on the diet. What may seem like a small thing can actually impede your progress.
When people don’t log, they usually don’t measure either, which is a recipe for stalling on Phase 1 of Ideal Protein. Sometimes there can be a stall or hindrance, and if you’re journaling daily, your coach can spot the issues and get you back on track with the trend of your losses.
Got more questions? Schedule a complimentary consultation and get the answers directly from our coaches.