Ideal Protein

Your Protocol for Lasting Weight Loss

Reach your health and weight goals with our Ideal Protein program

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100 Ideal Protein FAQs to Satisfy All Your Questions

Ideal Protein has proved itself to be one of the most effective weight loss programs in the past decades. This success is owed to the scientific approach, guidance and education the protocol delivers.

However, we realized that as Ideal Protein has gained fame, it also attracted some misinformation. Also, there are many people out there who still do not know what this incredible program is all about.

Hence, we have compiled 100 FAQs related to Ideal Protein so that you can learn as much as possible about the protocol. Feel free to bookmark this blog and come back whenever you want to clarify a doubt.

Let’s get started.

1. How is Ideal Protein different from the classic ketogenic diet?

The traditional ketogenic diet consists of low-carb, low to moderate protein, and high fats contents. Ideal Protein on the other hand takes a low-carb, low-fat, adequate-protein approach.

A lot of DIY ketogenic diets have emerged too. The problem is that these diets lack guidance and a sustainable transition plan which means you may regain the weights you had lost successfully after leaving the diets.

Ideal Protein is a one-of-a-kind low-fat ketogenic weight loss protocol that supports fat burning, promoting rapid and lasting weight loss. This three-phase, medically developed approach, coupled with face-to-face coaching, helps you shed those pounds and learn how not to regain the weight you have already lost.

2. How long does it take to get into ketosis?

Ideal Protein dieters are typically able to achieve ketosis within 3-5 days.

3. How will I know I am in ketosis?

There are many signs which indicate that a person is in ketosis. Although, the best way to confirm it is by measuring your ketones. Ketones may be measured most accurately in the blood. However, it is also possible to measure the ketone levels in the urine using a ketone test strip.

Some signs to look for are:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight Loss
  • Reduction in appetite and food consumption
  • Sleeplessness
  • Dry mouth or a metallic taste in the mouth
  • Muscle Cramps
  • “Keto breath” or “fruity breath.”
  • Increase in thirst as well as a higher frequency of urination.

4. What is keto flu?

“Keto flu”, also known as the “carb flu,” is a term used to describe the group of symptoms people experience in the beginning days of a ketogenic diet. You may feel fatigued, get angry easily, have frequent headaches, and find it difficult to concentrate.

While these are not harmful or infectious like the “real” flu, they can be equally uncomfortable.

Follow this page to learn how you can deal with these symptoms.

5. How quickly will I start seeing results?

You will start seeing results in your first week on the protocol.

6. How much will I lose in the first week?

Initial weight loss varies on Ideal Protein, but most of our dieters will lose between 3 to 8 pounds the first week.

The first week will be a larger drop as part of the initial weight loss is due to depleting your glycogen stores. Once you are in ketosis, you can rest assured that you are losing fat, not just water.

7. How much can I expect to lose each week?

You will start seeing results in the first week of being on the protocol. Every client is different, but on average women who do the diet with us lose 2-5 pounds per week, while men typically lose 4-7 per week

8. I don’t have a problem losing weight but always gain it back. Will it be different this?

The goal of Ideal Protein is to create habit shifts throughout the process and make this your last diet. During the transition and maintenance of the program, you will be given the tools necessary to maintain the weight loss.

9. Will I be eating prepackaged meals?

On the protocol, you will be eating a combination of whole foods as well as Ideal Protein products.

10. Why are the products important on the protocol?

The highly absorbable protein in the product protects your muscle while you are in ketosis.

It is important that your body use your fat stores, not muscle for fuel while in ketosis. Note, all proteins are not equal.

Ideal Protein products have a high nutritional value and contain all nine essential amino acids. These amino acids include histidine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, isoleucine, leucine, tryptophan, and valine.

Additionally, it comes in an “isolate” form, which is bioavailable, quickly absorbed, and assimilated by your body to preserve lean muscle mass and aid metabolism. Combined together, it helps you actualize your weight loss goals safely and efficiently!

11. How many calories does one consume on Phase 1?

Depending on your protein source and choice of packets, you will typically be consuming around 850-1000 calories a day.

12. Will I be hungry/tired on the program?

Initially, you may have some fatigue and hunger. Once the body starts using your fat stores for fuel, typically the hunger goes away and energy levels increase.

13. Is this a high protein diet?

It is a moderate-level, high-quality protein diet.

14. Do I count my macros on the diet?

During Phase 1, there is no macro counting. Once you move further into the transition you and your coach will focus on macros.

15. Why are healthy fats not allowed?

Ideal Protein takes a modified ketogenic diet approach where you will eat low-carb, low-fat, and high-quality, adequate protein.

Fats have a lot more calories per gram compared to any other macros and our body prefers to burn the dietary fat over stored body fat. Therefore, consuming more fats, even healthy ones, will slow losses.

16. Can I split my protein and select vegetables throughout the day?

Absolutely. As long as you consume everything you are supposed to within the course of the day, the timing does not matter.

17. How often should I weigh myself?

It is recommended that you weigh yourself once a week.

18. Will I lose hair?

While it may be worrisome, hair loss during weight loss is normal and expected. While on a ketogenic diet like Ideal Protein, you must take your required supplements to minimize hair loss.

Learn more about hair loss during weight loss here.

19. Are the supplements mandatory?

It’s essential you take the Ideal Protein Supplements to support your weight loss and overall health. Micronutrients are vital ingredients necessary to support your body and its functions. You will be missing essential nutrients that your body relies on to support its various processes on any hypocaloric diet.

The problem is that while the foods and Ideal Protein products we eat on Phase 1 contain essential micronutrients, the energy we release from fat stores does not, leaving many essential nutrients missing.

The Ideal Protein Supplements will be replacing those nutrients (ex: our Cal-Mags will be replacing your dairy such as Milk, Cheese, etc.) and can also help with your bowel movements.

20. Can I use my own supplements?

The Ideal Protein Supplements are high-quality supplements that were designed specifically for the protocol. Oftentimes, drug store supplements have binders or fillers that can slow losses.

21. Can I take collagen on the diet?

Yes, but the great news is that you don’t need to take additional collagen supplements.

Ideal Protein has always known the benefits of including collagen on a weight loss diet. This is why many of the products like the Raspberry Gelatin, French Onion Soup, the Blueberry Pomegranate drink etc., contain collagen.

22. Is it essential for me to eat my food, even if I’m not hungry?

It is very important to eat all of the foods while on protocol. Once you’re in ketosis, your body isn’t as hungry, so you may think that you’ll lose faster if you’re not hungry & don’t eat. That is not the case, and skipping meals can actually work against you.

On Ideal Protein, the diet’s careful calculations are to ensure that the prescribed daily diet will support your lean mass and consistent losses. The vegetables and salads will help with satiety, support your bowels, and the nutrients they contain are essential for keeping your dietary requirements.

Skipping meals and snacks on Ideal Protein will slow losses.

23. What will happen if I eat less than the required protein amount daily?

It is essential to consume the required amount of protein within the course of your day to help protect your lean mass while in ketosis.

24. What do I do if I get constipated?

First, you should make sure you are eating all of your vegetables and at least one to two green salads a day.

While most coaches require you to drink 64 ounces of water a day, that’s the bare minimum. Ideally, you are drinking a minimum of half of your body weight in ounces.

25. Is it important to weigh my food?


The protocol is scientific. Being as accurate with your portions is very important to the success. Consuming more or less than what is “on protocol” can hinder losses.

The recipe for success with Ideal Protein is very much like baking – you need to follow the recipe exactly to yield the desired results. When put in these terms, most people realize they measure their flour accurately when baking a cake; otherwise, the results are disastrous.

26. Do I weigh foods before or after cooking?

You weigh both your protein and vegetable BEFORE cooking.

27. Why can I not have alcohol?

Alcohol is not permitted while on Phases 1 and 2 and it must be strictly avoided while you’re in ketosis.

During ketosis, your liver is busy converting the fatty acids being released from your fat cells into ketones that can be burned by your body for energy. It’s also busy converting protein (and sometimes fats) into glucose for those organs that must have glucose to operate. As well as busy doing all the other functions that it is responsible for.

Alcohol is a toxic substance. Your liver immediately focuses on removing it from your body and puts other things on hold – such as creating the glucose your brain and other organs need. Hypoglycemia can result and if it happens while you’re driving, it could be especially dangerous and even life-threatening.

28. Will one cheat meal kick me out of ketosis?

Yes. One cheat can absolutely kick you out of ketosis. It will then take another 3 days or so to get back into a fat burning state.

29. What seasoning can I have in Phase 1?

Follow this page to see the list of allowed seasonings.

30. Aside from Ideal Protein brand dressings, are there other dressings and sauces I can have?

Follow this page to see the list of allowed dressings.

There are many amazing dressing recipes that are protocol-friendly. Get them here.

31. I have a huge sweet tooth. Will this program work for me?

Many Ideal Protein dieters struggle with sweet cravings. There are a variety of sweet products to help with such cravings while working towards their goal weight. Explore the Ideal Protein products here.

We continuously publish new sweet recipes. Get them here.

32. Can I juice my vegetables?

No. Most juicers break down nutrients instantly, leaving the fiber behind. Also, it’s vital to note that when we drink rather than chewing our vegetables, we miss out on increasing satiety through chewing (mastication) and the valuable enzyme production that happens when we chew. Enzymes help break down our food further, allowing the body to maximize the nutrition from the foods we eat.

33. When do I move to Phase 2?

Once you achieve your goal weight or you are comfortable with the weight loss you’ve achieved.

We typically suggest our dieters lose 5 pounds beyond their goal so that once they go into the Stabilization Phase, they have an extra 5 lbs cushion to account for glycogen replenishment.

34. What does Phase 2 consist of?

Phase 2 or the Stabilization Phase was designed to help defend the body’s “new” weight against its former weight, or “weight set point.” The reintroduction of carbohydrates is a crucial part of Stabilization, and is achieved through a foundation of unlimited low-glycemic vegetables and a slow and measured increase in net carbohydrates, and increasing weekly as tolerated per hunger and satiety ratings as well as weight trends.

35. Will I still be in ketosis in Phase 2?

No. Once carbohydrates are introduced back into your diet, you will no longer be in ketosis.

36. What can I do about loose skin?

Collagen is the best way to combat loose skin. Ideal Protein has various products that contain collagen as well as a collagen supplement.

37. I’m doing everything right but the scale isn’t moving. How is this possible?

The scale is not the only metric one should focus on.

Body fat percentage is a more accurate gauge for one’s progress and health. Also focusing on inches loss and how clothing fits is another way to measure success. Learn more here.

38. What is Body Fat Percentage and why is it important?

Your body composition or body fat percentage refers to the proportion of fat you have, relative to lean tissue (muscles, bones, body water, organs, etc). Losing weight is not the same as losing body fat.

The focus shouldn’t be to lose weight, but to lose body fat. You want your weight loss to be due to loss of fat, not muscle or water.

39. What happens if I lose too much muscle mass?

Although losing weight other than fat is inevitable, muscle loss will have a rebound effect, which will result in weight gain.

Muscle is a metabolically active tissue that keeps your metabolism fast and burning calories. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn, even when just sitting down on the couch. Muscle loss will slow down your body’s metabolism and cause eventual weight gain.

40. What can I do if I hit a plateau?

Always discuss it with your coach. We have a lot of strategies to get your weight moving again, including switching things up. Sometimes just changing out your proteins and/or your Ideal Protein products can make a huge difference.

For those that are down to the last bit of weight to lose, sometimes it takes more tweaking than the beginning of your journey

41. Is it possible to travel and stay on protocol?

Yes. With guidance from your coach and planning traveling is absolutely doable while on all phases of the program.

Learn more about travel planning here.

42. Can I eat at a restaurant?

Yes. You just need to be specific while ordering. Always try to keep your order simple and avoid sauces and dressings as there will be hidden sugars.

Learn more about eating out and restaurant guide here.

43. Are there fast food options if I am in a pinch?

Yes. With caution, you can order from a fast-food establishment. Most fast-food restaurants have “protein style” burgers and sandwiches. Look out for condiments. Mustard is an approved option.

Learn more about ordering foods here.

44. Why is diet soda discouraged?

Artificial sweeteners present in soda like aspartame have been shown to increase cravings for sweets as well as have an effect on one’s blood sugar, which both adversely affect weight loss.

45. Do I have to journal my foods?

Your coach needs to see what your daily intake is to help you maximize your losses and limit the amount of time you need to be on the diet.

What may seem like a small thing can actually impede your progress. Also, when people don’t log, they usually don’t measure either, which is a recipe for stalling on Phase 1 of Ideal Protein.

Sometimes there can be a stall or hindrance, and if you’re journaling daily, your coach can spot the issues and get you back on track with the trend of your losses.

46. What are the benefits of journaling foods?

Journaling is crucial to one’s success on the program. Main benefits include:

  • Fostering mindful eating
  • Accountability
  • Tracking progress
  • Identifying trigger patterns
  • Increasing awareness
  • Identifying areas/foods of concern

47. Can I work out on Phase 1?

The short answer is yes, but exercise is not necessary for the protocol to work.

We prefer that you take it easy for your first 3-4 weeks on Ideal Protein Phase 1, meaning no heavy weight lifting or high-intensity cardio workouts.

During this time, we still encourage light exercises like walking, yoga, or pilates.

48. What are BCAA’s?

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are essential nutrients, meaning they are not made in the body. They are found in meat, dairy, and legumes and constitute more than one-third of the protein found in human muscle tissue.

BCAAs stimulate the building of protein in muscle and possibly reduce muscle breakdown. The “branched-chain” refers to the chemical structure of these amino acids.

49. What is the reason I can not do any higher intensity workout?

Ideal Protein is considered a low-calorie plan and Phase 1 is the stage where calorie intake is significantly reduced.  Thus, moderate to heavy exercise may lead to loss of lean muscle which contradicts the goal of the program.

50. Is it okay to eat extra protein if I am hungry?

If you consume too much protein, it can be converted into glucose by a process called ‘gluconeogenesis.’ Therefore, your body will use the produced glucose for fuel prior to the body’s fat store.

51. What are my options if I’m really hungry and I’ve already eaten all my food and products?

Good options are to have a salad or snack on unlimited vegetables or have a glass of warm tea. Also, it is wise to assess whether or not you are actually physically hungry.

52. Why is it important to limit the occasional vegetables?

These vegetables have a higher carbohydrate count than the other vegetables but are still allowed. That’s why, they need to be limited to a max of 4 cups a week and you’ll need to mind your daily net carb target.

53. Why are some vegetables listed on both the unlimited and select lists?

If a vegetable is in both categories it is important to remember that they are only considered unlimited if they are RAW.

54. I don’t like a lot of vegetables. Can I eat the same veggies every day?

One of the main goals of Ideal Protein is habit change. Shifts in habits are necessary not only to lose weight but also extremely important for maintenance.

Also, consuming the same foods each day could lead to stalls in Phase 1.

55. Why are cooked onions not allowed?

Cooking breaks long-chained sugars (which digest slowly and do not raise the blood sugar rapidly) down to short-chained ones or monosaccharides (small sugar molecules that are easily absorbed). It raises blood glucose and consequently causes insulin to be released. This is counter-productive to the protocol.

56. Can I do Ideal Protein as a vegetarian?

Vegetarians can follow the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol and can consume eggs, fish (if Pescatarian), or tofu during their evening meal for their whole protein. As an alternative, they can also have 2 Ideal Protein foods for dinner in replacement of their whole protein. Ensure you review the ingredient list on all boxes before purchasing them.

57. Are meat alternatives allowed?

Yes, they are. You just need to be careful that they do not contain unapproved ingredients and be aware of the carb count.

58. Can I drink coffee and tea?

Yes. Keep in mind that for every 8 ounces of either tea or coffee you should consume an additional 8 ounces of water.

59. Does my menstrual cycle affect losses?

Yes. While the scale isn’t moving, you are still losing weight. The scale doesn’t budge due to water retention, changes in bowels, and other temporary symptoms. For many women, their weight fluctuates between 2 and 8 pounds per month due to water retention.

60. I have over 100 pounds to lose. Is that achievable?

Absolutely! Believe it or not, our clients who have more weight to lose are more successful on the protocol because the weight loss is so quick, the progress is gratifying and consistent.

61. What happens if I am getting a burnout but haven’t met my goal yet?

You should talk to your coach and still properly transition off of the diet so that you are able to maintain the weight you have achieved. You are always able to come back and lose the remainder of the weight when the timing is right.

62. What is the role of a coach?

You can anticipate our support and encouragement as you move through each phase of the weight loss protocol.

As your coach, we will be with you when this process is going on and guide you through all the steps to make sure you achieve your goals in the shortest amount of time. Also, we know you’re on a diet seven days a week, so your coach will support you through weekly appointments and electronically over text and email in between.

63. Do I have to meet with the coach weekly?

Yes. The program is structured in this way to foster the best results for a dieter. The accountability and support from a coach are the keys to success on the protocol.

64. How long will I be working with my coach?

You will work with your coach from the start of Phase 1 and into maintenance.

65. Are there recipes the coach can provide me with?

Of course!

Ideal Protein has some of the tastiest recipes to satisfy your hunger. You can always check out our FREE Ideal Protein Recipes Cookbook.

Please follow our Facebook and Instagram pages where we publish new recipe every week.

66. What happens after I reach my weight loss goal?

Once your weight loss goal is achieved, the transition begins which involves a strategic reintroduction of macros to your diet.

67. Will I regain the weight once I transition off?

Many clients worry about what is going to occur after they have achieved their weight loss goals, and we understand their fears.

Our scientifically developed, three-phase approach teaches you how to maintain your new desired weight and keep the lost pounds from returning. The healthy habits created throughout the process are as important as the weight loss itself.

68. Is maintenance custom to the individual?

Yes. Individual approach is considered during maintenance. You will work with your coach to find the perfect macro combination that your body process most efficiently.

69. Am I still able to use products while I’m in maintenance?

Absolutely. Many dieters still incorporate products into their lives in maintenance as a great alternative to less healthy snacks.

70. Will I keep the weight off after I’ve finished the protocol?

The goal is for this to be your last diet. Even after the weight loss phase of the protocol you will work with your coach to understand what works best for your body and to maintain the healthy habits that have been created during the program so that you do not regain.

71. What is the difference between Ideal Protein Weight Loss and the Alternative Plan?

The Ideal Protein Alternative Plan is similar to the actual protocol in many ways, but it allows a lot more variety. Like the protocol, the Alternative Plan has 3 phases.

Dieters may add up to 3 more foods per day, one from each of the three food groups carbohydrates (Group I), fruit (Group II), and fats (Group III) – because of these additional foods, weight loss on this modified version occurs at a slower rate compared to the protocol, but the dieter is less likely to experience cravings.

72. Can I do the diet while breastfeeding?

Ideal Protein really is too restrictive both in fats and calories to be healthy for a breastfeeding mom. Your body needs extra support nutritionally in order to be able to produce breast milk.

73. Are fruits allowed?

While fruits do not make you gain weight, they can slow down and even prevent you from losing weight. That’s because once metabolized by the body, fruits transform into sugar – or glucose – and the glucose reserve is precisely what you want to deplete in order to get your body to start burning calories from your excess fat supply.

74. Will I consistently lose weight?

Yes. Typically, you will notice 3-8 pounds of loss in the first week and then 2-5 pound losses during the following weeks.

75. Is the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method a good program for teens?

Yes, it is a great protocol for youths. If your child is at least 12 years old, they are able to participate.

76. What is the minimum and maximum age for following protocol?

The Program is safe and effective for early teens and above.

77. Can I do the program if I have Gout?

Yes. Individuals with gout can follow the program. They may have to get approval from their physician first. We can work in collaboration with your doctor to help you follow the protocol.

If you have any other doubts about following Ideal Protein with gout, follow this page.

78. Can gastric bypass/lap band patients do Ideal Protein?

Ideal Protein diet is great for gastric bypass/lap band patients, both for losing weight and to provide a great source of protein in a very small volume of food. Patients with a lap band will do well with that.

79. Is the protocol safe for a post-chemo breast cancer survivor?

Yes. For those who are concerned about the soy content, Ideal Protein has soy-free options.

80. Is the protocol okay for women with PCOS?

Yes. The Ideal Protein weight-loss diet protocol improves PCOS related issues by reducing inflammatory biomarkers, rebalancing sex hormones, and regulating the body’s insulin levels. These powerful impacts mean improved fertility, enhanced lipid profiles, weight loss, and control of symptoms associated with PCOS.

Learn more about how Ideal Protein can help women with PCOS here.

81. Does it help maintain insulin balance?

A diet that is rich in sugars and saturated fats like cereals, cakes, pasta, etc., can make the pancreas produce too much insulin, which remains in the body system and puts the glucose levels in a negative balance. The production of too much insulin can also cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), which can lead to cravings for sugar and, subsequently weight gain.

Since Ideal Protein restricts simple and complex carbs, it allows the body to reduce insulin production. Thus, the insulin levels are rebalanced and it helps reduce blood sugar and blood pressure.

82. Is the Ideal Protein safe for people on blood pressure and fluid medication?


People with high blood pressure are often overweight and will benefit from the protocol. However, they will have to be mindful of their medication dosing and will be required to monitor their blood pressure twice daily and work with their physician to monitor their prescriptions. Additionally, they may need to monitor salt intake, as prescribed by their physician.

83. Why dairy is restricted in Phase 1?

Ideal Protein was developed keeping this issue in mind. Its unique science helps get your insulin level back on track so that you can achieve and maintain your weight loss goals.

84. Can I have a 4th product if I am extra hungry?

During the first week, you may have a fourth packet to curb your hunger.

85. Does the meal protein vary depending on the weight?

In Phase 1, protein servings are the same no matter one’s weight.

86. Can I have 2 restricted items per day?

No. Because of their carbohydrate and calorie contents, you may only have one restricted product per day.

87. Do I HAVE to have a restricted item?

No. Sometimes, to quicken losses, it is recommended to have all unrestricted products.

88. Can I do the program if I have dietary restrictions?

Our protocol can accommodate those with lactose, gluten, and soy allergies. We can also accommodate vegetarians, but unfortunately, our protocol is not compatible with vegans.

89. Are the Ideal Protein products gluten-free?

There are celiac-approved products. If you are not celiac and just have a gluten sensitivity, you may be able to tolerate the products that contain gluten, as the majority of products are manufactured in Canada.

90. Can I do the program if I am lactose intolerant?

Yes, you may. There are a variety of dairy-free products available with Ideal Protein.

91. Do the products contain aspartame?

No, they do not. The Ideal Protein products only use sucralose and stevia for sweeteners.

92. What are the products sweetened with?

The products use sucralose, stevia as well as prebiotics for sweetness.

93. What is sucralose?

Sucralose is a sweetener derived from sugar cane. It tastes like sugar but, thanks to a process, sucralose has zero calories and is not assimilated by the body. This means that it has no impact on blood sugar.

94. What is stevia?

Stevia is a natural sugar substitute derived from the leaves of the stevia plant. It’s sweeter than table sugar, but it has no carbohydrates, calories, or artificial ingredients.

95. What is a prebiotic fiber?

Prebiotic fibers support both optimal nutrients for the dieter and their microbiome.

Most people have heard a lot about the connections between probiotics (foods that enhance your good bacterial colonies in your intestinal tract) and health, mood, and weight. However, many aren’t familiar with prebiotics.

Prebiotics, on the other hand, provide the ideal environment and nutritional sources to feed your good bacteria.

Prebiotics are a great fit for the Ideal Protein protocol because while they are technically carbohydrates, they are filled with fiber and non-digestible carbohydrates.

This fiber provides satiety to the dieter while feeding the good bacteria, helping it to flourish in the gut. In fact, several studies demonstrate that prebiotics play a more significant role in weight loss when compared to probiotics.

Prebiotic fiber can help absorb intestinal fat, supporting weight loss. Additionally, prebiotic fiber can slow the absorption of calories into the bloodstream.

Lastly, while prebiotic fiber provides sweetness, it does so without creating a glycemic impact, fitting in perfectly with the low carb, low GI ketogenic diet approach. These products support the whole-body health approach of the diet as well as creating appetizing, satiating yummy renditions of old favorites.

96. Are the products GMO-free?

The Ideal Protein protocol is proven less toxic than other protein diets because it does NOT promote trans fats, aspartame, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), or Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) products as part of the protocol.

97. Are they FDA approved?

Yes, absolutely.

98. Why is the protein amount lower in the United States?

A majority of livestock in the United States are grain-fed rather than pasture-raised as they are in nature. Many commercial farmers in the US use grains as a cost-effective, space-saving solution to raise animals. The nutrient composition of grains affects the animal’s physiology, similar to how they affect humans. One of the main differences between protein commercially produced using grains is seen with the animal’s fatty acid composition, creating a protein source higher in fat when grain-fed.

99. I have a hard time drinking water. Is it mandatory?

Drinking adequate water is essential for many reasons. For one, staying hydrated helps stave off leg cramps, lightheadedness, and many other initial symptoms associated with a ketogenic diet.

Secondly, when you creak down stored fat, the byproducts are excreted through your urine, bowels, and breath.

While Ideal Protein recommends a minimum of 64oz daily, we find that a good target for most dieters is half their body weight in ounces. If you can’t get the required amount in, try adding some of the Ideal Protein water enhancers and maybe even add a straw.

100. What foods do I need to avoid?

Anything outside the sheet!

Download the Ideal Protein food list sheet here.

Take away

While we tried to answer as many common questions as possible, you may still have some questions left to be answered. Please, ask us in the chat or email us at [email protected].

We will be updating and adding more FAQs on Ideal Protein here in the future. So, make sure to check them out.

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