Bell Pepper Ring Eggs

Bell Pepper Ring Eggs

Bell Pepper Ring Eggs are delicious, super easy to prepare and loaded with protein. Use any color of bell pepper and enjoy this quick breakfast recipe.

Approved for all Ideal Protein phases.

Serving size


  • 1 large bell pepper (seeds and flesh removed)
  • 1/2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 4 eggs
  • 4 pinches salt and pepper or more to taste
  • Optional seasonings: tajin, ayenne pepper, truffle salt, smoked sea salt, fresh herbs, or smoked paprika


Step 1

Slice the bell pepper in half and then neatly cut four 1/2-inch rings out of the bell pepper. The neater the cuts, the better the egg will stay inside the pepper.

Step 2

Heat up a non-stick large flat pan, and brush it with 1/2 tbsp. olive oil.

Step 3

Place the 4 pepper rings on the pan, and cook on medium/high heat for about 2 minutes, or until the peppers start browning.

Step 4

Flip each pepper and turn down the heat and carefully crack an egg into the center of each pepper. Use a fork to make sure that each pepper is completely filled with egg.

Step 5

Season with salt and pepper and cook on low heat until the whites are set but the yolks are still runny.

Step 6

Use a large spatula to carefully get under each egg in ring and loosen it from the pan. Transfer onto a plate.

Step 7

Sprinkle with any optional seasonings that you like!

Step 8


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