Teen Program

Teenage Years Can Be Difficult Enough…

Has your teenager’s physician suggested they need to lose weight?
Is your teen feeling defeated, isolated, overwhelmed, left out, depressed or unhappy with themselves?
Does your teen feel hopeless or fear they won’t ever be able to find an effective way to lose weight and feel better about themselves?

Take The First Step In Improving Your Teenager’s Situation

For most of us, our teenage years were difficult enough without the added challenges that come with being an overweight teenager. The typical stresses of family, school and friends often become compounded by the stress of being overweight and leave them feeling defeated and overwhelmed.

The Struggles That Come With Being An Overweight Teen May Be Both Visible And Hidden

In addition to the physical effects of obesity, the social, emotional and physical struggles create added stress to the normal teen pressures of school, family, friends.

The suffering is all too common, and effects can be seen socially, emotionally and physically.As a parent you know something must change, but you are unsure of how to do it, especially without adding tension to your relationship.

Are You Ready To Change Your Teenager’s Life?

BioIntelligent Wellness is here to help

We understand strong, confident and healthy teens have better outcomes in school, in work and in life as adults. We’re here to help you with an effective way for teens to lose weight, improve self-esteem and help them feel better about themselves so they can join their peers and begin to enjoy this phase of their life…

Our program builds cooperation between parents and teens rather than exacerbating difficult dynamics that are natural during these years.

Benefits To Your Teen

A personalized approach

We take a personalized approach to setting and achieving goals, building self-confidence & healthy habits.

A support system

Our one-on-one coaching model provides a support system (outside of the family) to guide them throughout their Ideal Protein journey and into maintenance

Your teen’s success

Online tools and ongoing support of supportive, non-judgmental coaches and community designed to maximize your teen’s success

Teen-friendly food

Easy to prepare, affordable, delicious teen-friendly food and keto recipes

Lifestyle education

Lifestyle education, coaching and guidance to help your teen sustain their success


We are always ready to answer any of your questions

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