Ideal Protein and Phase 1 (Weight Loss Phase)
The Ideal Protein Phase 1 or weight loss phase is where the dieters lose most of their weight. Generally, Phase 1 lasts until 100% weight loss goal is achieved.
Phase 1 was designed to maximize fat loss through nutritional ketosis – a safe and natural metabolic state. Here, the body switches its primary fuel source from simple and complex carbohydrates to ketone bodies (energy molecules produced by burning stored fat in the body).
As one enters phase 1, nutritional ketosis is achieved by restricting carbohydrates (sugar) and calories. This, in turn, compels the body to switch to fat/fatty acids as an alternative source of energy, which has greater calorific values and provides enough energy to meet the body’s daily needs.
Depending on the starting weight, you can expect to consume between 3–5 partial meal replacements daily on Ideal Protein phase 1, including 4–8 ounces of allowed whole proteins.
As carbohydrates are limited in Ideal Protein phase 1, the sugar level in your blood is lowered. As a result, your pancreas is relieved as it can go back to producing normal levels of insulin – returning insulin balance to the body.
In this article, we will take a look at
- Phase 1 Allowed foods
- Menu guidelines
- Sample menus
- Cookbooks
- Phase 1 recipes
- Downloadable resources
- New changes from 2020
- FAQs
- Phase 1 Allowed products
Ideal Protein Food List - Allowed and Restricted Foods in Phase 1
Ideal Protein has a saying for the Phase 1 food list – they say “eat the sheet”, meaning if it’s not on the sheet, it can’t be included in the diet.
Hence, our coaches focus dieters who want to lose weight fast on sticking to the serving size requirements, food group choices, and staying in ketosis to lose weight faster on Ideal Protein.
We encourage clients to create variety in the Ideal Protein recipes while they are on Phase 1 to keep their weight loss diet exciting.
With so many options, you’ll never have to eat the same thing repeatedly.
While there is no frying or breading permitted, you can use an air fryer and also use your Ideal Protein foods, such as the chips, to create “breading”.
Remember to weigh your protein before cooking your recipe.
- Anchovy
- Flounder
- Halibut
- Pike
- Sea Bass
- Perch
- Swordfish
- Turbot
- Cod
- Salmon
- Bass
- Tuna
- Grouper
- Mahi-Mahi
- Red Snapper
- Shark
- Tilapia
- Walleye
- Hake
- Sole
- Catfish
- Haddock
- Monkfish
- Redfish
- Smelt
- Trout
- Whiting
- Clams
- Mussels
- Shrimp
- Scampi
- Crab
- Oysters
- Squid
- Crawfish
- Scallops
- Lobster
- Flank Steak
- Rump Steak
- Round
- Ground Beef
- Sirloin
- Filet Mignon
- Lean Roast
- Tenderloin
- Inside Round
- Rib
- Breast
- Scaloppini
- Shank
- Cutlet
- Tenderloin
- Shoulder
- Chicken (Skinless)
- Partridge
- 6 Eggs (2–4 Whole, rest are Whites)
- Fowl
- Pheasant
- Wild Birds
- Turkey
- Quail
- Lean Ham
- Pork Tenderloin
- Wild Game
- Tofu Plain (3–4 Oz.)
Raw Vegetables & Lettuces - Unlimited
Dietary fiber is excellent to ward off hunger and stabilize your blood sugar. The vegetables and lettuces below are “free” items.
Hence, at our Ideal Protein clinic, we recommend clients prepare 1-2 salad recipes a day comprised of these items and some of the allowed vegetables for better weight loss results.
- Arugula
- Cactus (All)
- Escarole Lettuce
- Mushrooms
- Spinach
- Bibb Lettuce
- Celery
- Frisée Lettuce
- Radicchio
- Watercress
- Bok Choy
- Chicory Lettuce
- Green/Red-Leaf Lettuce
- Radish
- Lettuce
- Boston Lettuce
- Endive
- Iceberg Lettuce
- Romaine Lettuce
Select Vegetables - 4 cups per day. Remember to measure before cooking
Even our pickiest dieters learn to love vegetables on Phase 1 of the Ideal Protein diet. The wide variety keeps things new and exciting and offers an opportunity to discover or rediscover new foods you will love.
There are so many ways to prepare these veggies.
One of the most common comments we hear from clients who come to our clinic for weight loss is that they learned how to correctly prepare a veggie and now they love it! Moreover, our Ideal Protein coaches will provide you with simple recipes that transform into delicious renditions of your favorites.
- Alfalfa Sprouts
- Bell Peppers
- Celeriac
- Collards
- Gai Lan (Chinese Broccoli)
- Kohlrabi
- Radish
- Spinach
- Asparagus
- Broccoli
- Chard (All)
- Cucumber (All)
- Green Onions
- Mushrooms
- Rapini
- Turnips
- Bamboo Shoots
- Cabbage (All)
- Chayote
- Dill Pickles
- Hot Peppers
- Okra
- Rhubarb
- Zucchini
- Bean Sprouts
- Cauliflower
- Chicory
- Fennel
- Kale
- Onions (Raw Only)
- Sauerkraut
- Yellow Summer Squash
Occasional (Restricted) Vegetables - Maximum 4 cups per week.
Restricted vegetables have a higher carbohydrate count and are still allowed, just need to be limited to a max of 4 cups a week and you’ll need to mind your daily net carb target.
- Beans (Green & Wax)
- Brussels Sprouts
- Eggplant
- Hearts of Palm (Palmini)
- Jicama
- Leeks
- Rutabaga
- Snow Peas
- Spaghetti Squash
- Tomatillo
- Tomatoes (All)
Seasonings Allowed for Ideal Protein Diet Phase 1
Forget boiled chicken and bland veggies. On Ideal Protein Phase 1 diet, you’ll have so many options to add a little spice o your life! You can completely change up the flavors (think Mexican one day and Italian the next) and keep your palate guessing with excitement.
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Capers (2 Tbsp.)
- Cinnamon
- Fine Herbs
- Fresh Herbs
- Cilantro
- Chervil
- Chives
- Dill
- Marjoram
- Oregano
- Parsley
- Rosemary
- Sage
- Savory
- Thyme
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Lemon
- Lemongrass
- Hot Mustard
- Hot Sauce
- Onion Powder
- Sorrel
- Soy Sauce
- White Vinegar
- Bay Leaves
- Mint
- Tarragon
- Tamari Sauce
- Spices (MSG-Free/No Carbs)
- Basil
- Lime
Select Oils - 2 tsp per day
The Ideal Protein Phase 1 diet is low-carb and low-fat. However, we recommend including a small amount of healthy dietary fat to include the vital omega’s and make cooking and eating salads a more interesting part of weight loss.
As you can see below, there are a lot of options to choose from.
- Avocado
- Canola
- Flaxseed
- Grape Seed Extract
- Hemp Seed
- Mustard
- Olive
- Rice Bran
- Safflower
- Sesame
- Sunflower
- Walnut
Supplements to be Taken in Ideal Protein Diet Phase 1
Micronutrients are vital ingredients necessary to support your body and its functions.
From maintaining muscle mass, energy production, and retaining hydration. Being on a diet does not decrease these demands.
For that reason, Ideal Protein Phase 1 requires a few mandatory supplements to provide all nutrients typically found in the foods that you will be restricting on the Ideal Protein protocol. The addition helps you achieve the minimum recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals. It’s a vital step and skipping it can actually slow your progress, costing you more in the long run.
- IP Multi-Vita: 2 capsules daily
- IP Potassium: 1 tablet daily
- IP Cal-Mag: 2 tablets twice daily with meals
- IP Omega-3 Plus: 1 capsule twice daily with meals
IP Anti-Oxy:
- Why it is recommended: Antioxidants are
chemical nutrients that support the body in
combating the dangers of oxidative stress.
Antioxidants can protect against free
radicals and potentially even reverse the
damage. - Recommended dose: 2 capsules daily
- Why it is recommended: Antioxidants are
- Why it’s recommended: Ideal Protein’s BCAA’s can speed up your results because they help you maintain muscle mass while you are losing weight. Especially important for those who exercise on Ideal Protein Phase 1 and also for those who lose too much lean mass.
- Ideal Protein BCAA recommended dose:
- Phase I & 2:
- General recommendation: 1 packet per day during the first 3 weeks.
- If losing too much lean mass after week 3: 1 packet per day
- If exercising on Phase I: 1–2 packets per day. You need to take them 30 minutes before your workout and you can have another one after, but the pre-workout dose is vital and timing is key.
- Phase 3:
- Great pre- and post-workout supplement to support your training, energy levels, fat burning, and it even acts as an appetite suppressant.
- Phase I & 2:
IP Digestive Enzymes:
- Why it is recommended: Aids in the digestion of whole foods. It breaks down larger food molecules into smaller particles that can more readily be absorbed.
- Recommended dose: 1–2 capsules with meals.
IP Flora Health:
- Why it is recommended: Probiotics promote normal bowel habits and assist in the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the body.
- Recommended dose: 1 capsule daily.
What Makes Ideal Protein Products Special
Ideal Protein products are more than just packaged diet food. It sets itself apart from other partial meal replacement diets because of the bioavailability of nutrients and their design for taste and function.
Additionally, Ideal Protein products do not contain any Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s), dangerous trans fats, harmful preservatives like Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), or toxic, high-glycemic sweeteners like aspartame.
The Ideal Protein products are ranked on the chemical index for bioavailability and are between 96% – 297% bioavailable. What does this mean?
It means you obtain all of the nutrients for a fraction of the calories, allowing your body to metabolize and assimilate these vital nutrients easily.
Note that digestion of whole foods, such as eating a steak, you consume 100% of the calories but only 70% of the nutrients from what you are eating.
Ideal Protein Products Include Prebiotic Fiber
In addition to the benefits of maximizing absorption, Ideal Protein’s product line has evolved in line with modern nutritional trends. Ideal Protein foods list has integrated products that are sweetened with nutritive sweeteners, such as stevia and also prebiotic fiber.
Prebiotic fibers support both optimal nutrients for the dieter and the microbiome.
Most people have heard a lot about the connections between probiotics (foods that enhance your good bacterial colonies in your intestinal tract) and health, mood, and weight but many aren’t familiar with prebiotics.
Prebiotics, on the other hand, provide the ideal environment and nutritional sources to feed your good bacteria.
Prebiotics are a great fit for the Ideal Protein protocol because while they are technically carbohydrates, they are filled with fiber and non-digestible carbohydrates.
This fiber provides satiety to the dieter while feeding the good bacteria, helping it to flourish in the gut. In fact, several studies demonstrate that prebiotics play a more significant role in weight loss when compared to probiotics.
Prebiotic fiber can help absorb intestinal fat, supporting weight loss. Additionally, prebiotic fiber can slow the absorption of calories into the bloodstream.
Lastly, while prebiotic fiber provides sweetness, it does so without creating a glycemic impact, fitting in perfectly with the low carb, low GI ketogenic diet approach. These products support the whole-body health approach of the diet as well as creating appetizing, satiating yummy renditions of old favorites.
Two Categories of Ideal Protein Products: Restricted & Non-Restricted
Due to the low carb nature of Ideal Protein Phase 1 diet, dieters are recommended to monitor their net carbohydrates while on this phase. During Phase 1, dieters are recommended to aim between 25-45 grams of net carbohydrates per day.
The whole food lists of Ideal Protein diet can be broken into 2 categories – restricted and unrestricted (or non-restricted) foods.
To explain, Ideal Protein distinguishes between the two based on net carbohydrate content of the foods. Unrestricted Ideal Protein Products have 7 or fewer grams of net carbohydrates. On the other hand, products that are considered restricted in the diet have 8 or more grams of net carbohydrates.
To help you stay in ketosis, the diet limits you to 1 restricted item per day.
Restricted snacks included in Ideal Protein food list used to be all bars, chips, and treats. However, it has evolved and now very few of those items, except the bars, are restricted.
How did they do this?
IP phase 1 menu
Typical Ideal Protein Phase 1 Menu
On Ideal Protein Diet Phase 1, you will reach 100% of your weight loss goal.
The beauty of Ideal Protein food list is there’s enough variety to keep you from getting into a rut but it offers enough structure that you don’t have to spend time laboring over making menus and delicately balancing macronutrients.
Your Ideal Protein coach will work with you to help customize your diet to your lifestyle, making it easy to follow the protocol whether you are at home, traveling for work, or navigating social events.
The nice part about the Ideal Protein Phase 1 is that it truly puts weight loss on autopilot.
Many dieters who come to us after unsuccessful attempts with the Keto diet say the simplicity of Ideal Protein’s ketogenic diet is one of the things they appreciate most. Unlike other ketogenic diets, Ideal Protein’s Phase 1 foods list and Phase 1 meal plan are set up to keep you in ketosis and offer enough variety that will keep you from getting bored or overwhelming yourself with meal planning and macro counting.
Ideal Protein has a saying for the Phase 1 food list – they say “eat the sheet”, meaning if it’s not on the sheet, it can’t be included in the diet. Hence, our coaches focus dieters who want to lose weight fast on sticking to the serving size requirements, food group choices, and staying in ketosis to lose weight faster on Ideal Protein.
In general, the payoff is that if you follow the Ideal Protein Phase 1 foods list and guidelines, you will reach your weight loss goal in no time.
Ideal Protein Cookbooks
Some dieters on Ideal Protein keep the cooking to a minimum while others take advantage of the many resources that can make Ideal Protein not only livable but a gourmet experience.
Forget complicated cooking and elusive techniques, even the most luxurious dishes are distilled into easy-to-follow instructions that will make the Ideal Phase 1 diet experience delicious and make it feel like anything BUT a diet.
Some Ideal Protein Recipes for Phase 1
A hearty and comforting Instant Pot meal with sausage and cabbage. Allowed for Ideal Protein phases 1 to 3.
Crispy, flavorful smashed radishes roasted with lemon pepper seasoning for a delicious low-carb side dish. Allowed for Ideal Protein phases…
A savory ground beef and turnip skillet with colorful peppers, perfect for a quick weeknight dinner Allowed for Ideal Protein…
A protein-packed tuna salad with crisp broccoli, celery, and bacon for a flavorful crunch. Allowed for Ideal Protein phases 1…
Soy sauce eggs are flavorful, marinated eggs infused with five chinese spices for a savory, aromatic snack or main dish.…
Download Ideal Protein Resources:
- New 2020 Ideal Protein Phase 1 for the U.S.
- Ideal Protein Phase 1 vegetable guideline
- Ideal Protein shopping list & helpful strategies
- Ideal Protein Phase 1 – Alternative Protocol for Diabetic patients
The New Ideal Protein Phase 1 - Changes Made in 2020
While the keto diet craze is a recent phenomenon, the Ideal Protein Protocol was created almost 30 years ago by Dr. Tran Tien Chanh and Olivier Benloulou. Dr. Chanh, a French physician, was looking to create a safer and easier weight loss protocol for his patients. At the time, his focus was on athletes needing to drop weight quickly but maintain function and performance.
It’s important to note, in December 2019, Ideal Protein refined this successful protocol to make losing weight even easier. If you are researching Ideal Protein, make sure you are looking at the latest version of Ideal Protein. Here are the changes that took effect at the beginning of 2020:
Typical Ideal Protein Phase 1 Menu
Initially, the Ideal Protein protocol consisted of 4 phases, with Phase 1 being the step where you would lose most of the weight. Ideal Protein has simplified its 4 – phase protocol to 3 phases.:
- Phase 1 or weight loss phase
- Phase 2 or stabilization phase and lastly
- Phase 3 or maintenance phase
Additionally, Ideal Protein launched a revised recommended Phase 1 diet menu as well as reformed its guidelines.
Along with consolidating Phases 3 & 4 to a new Phase 3 diet, Ideal Protein added new Ideal Protein products, more foods to the allowed foods list. Allowed whole food protein on Phase 1 is now reduced from 8 ounces to 4 to 6 ounces per meal. As a result, now you can lose weight faster, enjoy your weight loss journey, and transition faster with Ideal Protein.
Visit this page to learn more about the changes done to Ideal Protein Protocol.
A Few Basic Questions and Answers About Ideal Protein Phase 1
How Long Does Ideal Protein Phase 1 Last?
It totally depends on your weight loss goals. Phase 1 is meant to be followed until you reach 100% of your weight loss goal. The Ideal Protein weight loss method treats weight issues at its source.
How Much Weight Do You Lose on Ideal Protein Phase 1?
Dieters on Phase 1 usually lose up to 6 to 8 pounds during the first 2 weeks and in the following days, at least 2 pounds per week (most lose 2 – 5) when the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol is followed properly.
How Much Does Ideal Protein Phase 1 Cost?
For the cost of products, supplements, coaching visits, and electronic support, you should budget around $135 a week.
However, starting Ideal Protein with BioIntelligent Wellness will only cost $50 and the starting fees are waived for new Ideal Protein clients.
What Are the Side Effects I May Experience During Phase 1?
Ideal Protein phase 1 restricts your usual calorie intake (especially carbohydrates). As a result, you may experience some of the following discomforts in the beginning days:
- Hunger (although you can eat unlimited vegetables)
- Headaches (due to reduced sugar intake)
- Bad breath or Keto breath
- Increased thirst
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Mild constipation
- Hair thinning/ hair loss
- Irregular menstrual cycle
What are the Health Benefits of Being on Ideal Protein Phase 1?
- Weight loss
- Increase insulin sensitivity
- Improve blood sugar control
- Reduce cholesterol
- May reduce heart disease risk factors
- Improve PCOS related issues
- Improve acne
- Improve the appearance of cellulite
What Foods Do I Need to Avoid in Phase 1?
Anything outside the sheet! Download the Ideal Protein food list sheet here.
Can I Workout During Phase 1?
Yes. But keep it to a certain extent.
We encourage light exercise After the first 2 weeks on the protocol. As Phase 1 limits calorie intake, heavy exercise may lead to muscle loss.
Can Vegetarians or Vegans Follow the Ideal Protein?
Vegetarians can follow the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol and can consume eggs, fish (if Pescatarian), or tofu during their evening meal for their whole protein. As an alternative, they can also have 2 Ideal Protein foods for dinner in replacement of their whole protein. Ensure you review the ingredient list on all boxes before purchasing them.
Strict vegans, who do not consume any animal proteins and animal by-products, such as dairy products, honey, and so on, do not qualify to follow the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol due to the many dietary restrictions.
What’s Different About Ideal Protein?
At the time, the ketogenic diet was relatively unheard of, outside of the Atkins diet which was gaining popularity. Similar to the Atkins diet, Ideal Protein also removes simple and complex carbohydrates from the diet to put your body into ketosis, a biochemical state that forces the body to burn stored fat rather than the carbohydrates you consume.
What makes Ideal protein different from Atkins and modern-day Keto is that it’s a modified approach as it temporarily restricts fat consumption during Phase 1 to refocus the body on burning stored fat rather than the fat you consume.
Another important distinction is Ideal Protein utilizes the tenets of a ketogenic diet while integrating education and support for creating a healthy lifestyle after the diet is over.
What is the Alternative Plan?
The Ideal Protein Alternative Plan is similar to the actual protocol in many ways, but it allows a lot more variety. Like the protocol, the Alternative Plan has 3 phases. Dieters may add up to 3 more foods per day, one from each of the three food groups carbohydrates (Group I), fruit (Group II), and fats (Group III) – as shown in the images below:
Because of these additional foods, weight loss on this modified version occurs at a slower rate compared to the protocol, but the dieter is less likely to experience cravings. Those who wish to go on the Alternative Plan should also keep in mind that regaining lost weight is more likely with this plan than the Ideal Protein protocol, as the body is not kept in a state of ketosis. The Alternative Plan is recommended for some Type I diabetic patients.

Ideal Protein Products Allowed for Phase 1

Caramel Peanut Protein Bars (Caramel Nut Bar)

Chocolate Almond Protein Bar

Chocolate Coconut Protein Bars

Cookie Dough Protein Swirl Bars

Cranberry Pomegranate Protein Bars

Mint Chocolate Protein Bars (Chocolate Mint Bar)

Peanut Butter Protein Bars

Vanilla Peanut Butter Protein Bars (Vanilla Peanut Bar)

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

Blueberry Muffin Mix

Cheese Omelet Mix (Fine Herbs and Cheese Omelet)

Chocolate Chip Pancake Mix

Crispy Cereal

Golden Pancake Mix

Maple Oatmeal

Broccoli Cheese Soup Mix

Chicken Noodle Soup Mix

Chicken Soup Mix

Mushroom Soup Mix

Berry Breakfast Smoothie Mix (Wildberry Yogurt Drink Mix)

Berry Pomegranate Drink Mix (Blueberry, Cran, Pomegranate)

Cappuccino Smoothie Mix (Cappuccino Drink Mix)

Chocolate Smoothie Mix (Chocolate Drink Mix)

Orange Drink Mix

Peach Mango Drink Mix

Piña Colada Smoothie Mix (Piña Colada Drink Mix)

Ready-to-serve Cappuccino Shake (Drink)

Ready-to-serve Chocolate Shake (Drink)

Ready-to-serve Strawberry Banana Shake (Drink)

Ready-to-serve Vanilla Shake (Drink)

Vanilla Smoothie Mix (Vanilla Drink Mix)

Cheddar Cheese Sauce Mix

Chicken Patty Mix

Creamy Parmesan Mushroom Pasta (Mushroom Parmesan Risotto)

Macaroni & Cheese

Mashed Potatoes Mix (Potato Puree)

Rotini Pasta

Vegetable Chili Mix

Creamy Chocolate Meal Repl. Smoothie Mix (Ideal Comp. Choco)

Ideal Complete – Strawberry Drink Mix (Meal Replacement)

Toffee Pretzel Meal Replacement Bars (Ideal Complete)

Vanilla Crème Meal Repl. Smoothie Mix (Ideal Comp. Vanilla)

Barbecue Crisps (Bbq Crisps)

Dill Pickle Zippers (Dill Zippers)

Garlic and Fine Herbs Crisps

Nacho Cheese Dorados

Ranch Dorados

Sea Salt & Vinegar Crisps

Sweet & Spicy Trail Mix

Sweet Chili Dorados

Apple Cinnamon Puffs (Apple Cinnamon Soy Puffs)

Chocolate Caramel Mug Cake Mix

Chocolate Crispy Square

Chocolate Puffs (Chocolate Soy Puffs)

Dark Chocolate Pudding Mix

Double Chocolate Brownies

Lemon Wafers

Orange Crème Wafers (Orange Wafers)

Raspberry Gelatin Mix

Ready-to-serve Chocolate Pudding

Strawberry Wafers

Triple Chocolate Wafers

Vanilla Crispy Square

Vanilla Pudding Mix

Vanilla Wafers